Board of Education
Board Meeting Information
Board O'Gram/Unofficial Meeting Minutes Archives
Board Meeting Files
Board Meeting Recorded and Live Stream
BCBI Public Participation in Board Meetings Policy
Board Policies
Vision, Mission, Core Values, Core Beliefs and Pledge
Board Information
Chain of Command/Norms and Protocols
Chain of Command
Rome City Schools is motivated by a desire to improve the quality of the educational program by responding to stakeholders’ concerns and/or questions as effectively and efficiently as possible. Effective communication is one of Rome City Schools’ core values. As a district, we function according to a “Chain of Command System.”
In Rome City Schools, the Chain of Command refers to communication levels of authority within the school district. The Chain of Command is used to provide stakeholders at all levels with a point of contact in which to ask questions and/or report concerns. Having an established Chain of Command is a valuable and efficient tool that provides a roadmap for reporting concerns and communicating with school staff members.
Members of the Rome City Board of Education make up one link of our district Chain of Command and must be able to make impartial judgments in all concerns brought to them. Therefore, the district strongly emphasizes to the public the importance of adhering to the Chain of Command to resolve concerns according to the information below.
Where do I begin the process if I have a concern?
Academic/Behavior/Discipline/Instruction/Support Services
Building Principal/Assistant Principal
Board of Education
Athletic Director
Building Principal
District Athletic Director
Board of Education
Extracurricular Activities
Building Principal
Board of Education
If a concern is sent to a board member, the board member will share that concern with the board chair. The board chair will share with the superintendent, who will then share with the principal. Please review charts 1.1 and 1.2
Where do I find forms for concerns/complaints?
Concern/Complaint Forms may be found online at the website (, any school building office, or the district central office.
The policy addressing our concern/complaint process is:
Policy IKBB Divisive Concepts Complaint Resolution Process
The Board will consider hearing citizen, parent/guardian, employee, or student complaints when they cannot be resolved by the administration and/or superintendent. Matters referred directly to the Board will be referred to the superintendent.
After hearing such complaints, and referring to the superintendent, if more information is needed, the Board shall consider this in Executive Session. The Board will not consider or act on complaints that have not been explored at the appropriate administrative level or if the appropriate Chain of Command has not been attempted.

Board Norms, Protocols, and Procedures
Board Norms, Protocols, and Procedures
The Rome City Schools’ Board of Education agrees to the following norms, protocols, and procedures:
Chief Executive Officer
Through the annual evaluation process, the Board agrees to set clear benchmark goals and objectives each year for the Superintendent in alignment with the strategic plan and to hold the Superintendent accountable for operations and student performance. The Board will conduct a pre-conference at the beginning of each school year to discuss the evaluation instrument and process. The school board will provide mid-year feedback before a final evaluation is done. The school board will evaluate the superintendent yearly. (Domain VI: Personnel)
The Board agrees to designate the Superintendent as the Chief Executive Officer fully delegating authority to provide educational leadership, manage daily operations, and perform all duties assigned by law (Domain I: Governance & Domain II: Strategic Planning)
The Board will consider employment of personnel only after receiving and considering the recommendation of the superintendent (Domain VI: Personnel).
The Rome City Schools Board of Education believes that the legislation of policies is the most important function of a school Board, and that the execution of the policies should be the function of the Superintendent. Delegation by the Board of its executive powers to the Superintendent provides freedom for the Superintendent to manage the schools within the Board's policies and frees the Board to devote its time to policymaking and appraisal functions. The Board holds the Superintendent responsible for carrying out its policies within established guidelines and for keeping the Board informed about school operations. In his efforts to keep the Board informed, the Superintendent will notify Board members as promptly as possible of any happenings of an emergency nature which occur in schools (Domain IV-Policy Development).
A decision to seek legal advice or assistance on behalf of the school district shall normally be made by the Superintendent or by persons specifically authorized by the Superintendent. Such action shall occur as it is consistent with approved Board policy or standard practice and meets an obvious need of the district. It may also take place as a consequence of formal Board direction. Many types of instances of legal assistance to the district may be considered routine and not necessitating specific Board approval or prior notice. However, when the administration concludes that unusual types or amounts of professional legal service may be required, the Board directs the administration to advise it and to expeditiously seek either initial or continuing authorization for such service. The attorney is an advisor to the Board and shall only react to requests of the Board and not to individual Board members (Domain III: Board Community Relations).
Governance and Responsibility
The Board agrees to be fiscally accountable, managing and aligning finances to meet the needs of the implementation of the strategic plan. The Superintendent or designee will provide the Board with a monthly financial Report during caucus. The Superintendent will provide the school board with a budget calendar. The school board members and the superintendent will participate in an annual board retreat (Domain VII: Financial Governance & Domain II: Strategic Planning ).
The Board acts only as a body. Individual Board members do not have authority; only the Board, as a whole, has authority. Board members will not take unilateral action. The Board Chairperson will communicate the position of the Board as needed. The board chair has the authority to regulate meetings and settle any disagreement that is not in the best interest of the entire board (BBBA)-The board members shall accept any committee assignments made by the Chairman and shall perform such duties as this assignment requires in the best interest of the school system (Domain I: Governance Structure )
A new Rome City Schools Board member -- or any person who has been elected (appointed) but not yet installed on the Board -- is to be afforded the Board's and the staff's fullest measures of courtesy and cooperation. The Board and staff shall make every possible effort to assist the new member to become fully informed about the Board's functions, policies, procedures, and problems (Domain III: Board Community Relations).
The new Board member shall be strongly urged to attend a New Board Member Orientation Session, sponsored by the Georgia School Boards Association and Georgia Department of Education, as soon as possible after his/her election (appointment). In addition, all Board members are required by Georgia law to participate in at least one day of training annually to ensure the effective management and operation of local units of administration. Tuition and expenses for attendance at such training sessions previously approved by the Board and for which appropriate forms are submitted to the Superintendent shall be reimbursed by the Board, as authorized by law. All board members will complete the minimum hours required to be considered for an exemplary board (Domain V: Board Meetings).
All newly elected and appointed Board members shall, before or within one (1) year after assuming office, receive orientation on the educational program objectives of Georgia and instruction and study in school finance; school law; responsiveness to the community; ethics, duties, and responsibilities of Board members; and the evaluation of the annual performance of the Superintendent (Domain IV: Policy Development).
The Rome City Schools Board of Education shall go into Executive Session for the purpose of: holding staff meetings for investigative purposes under duties or responsibilities imposed by law, discussing future acquisitions of real estate, discussing the appointment, employment disciplinary action or dismissal of a public officer, employee, or student, hearing complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee, unless he or she requests a public hearing. The public may be excluded in order to protect the attorney-client privilege and tax matters made confidential by Georgia Law. (Domain V: Board Meetings).
The Chairman or other presiding officer shall, at the conclusion of each meeting where at least a portion was closed, execute a notarized affidavit stating under oath that the subject matter of the meeting or the closed portion thereof was devoted to matters within the exceptions provided by law and identifying the specific relevant exception.This affidavit shall be filed with the official minutes of the meeting.
Communication Among Board Members and the Superintendent
The Superintendent will provide a weekly update with relevant departmental updates and other pertinent information (Domain III: Board Community Relations).
In the event of an urgent situation, the Superintendent (or designee) will provide information to the Board Chairperson via phone; Board members via email or text notification. The superintendent will create a communication flowchart for the school board(Domain III: Board Community Relations).
The Superintendent (or designee) will provide the Board an advance copy of press releases when possible (Domain III:Board Community Relations).
The Superintendent (or designee) will give advance notice via email to the Board members of district events where Board member attendance is welcomed. The superintendent will create a monthly invite calendar of events for all board members. Board members will receive this calendar a week in advance(Domain III: Board Community Relations).
Board members specifically invited will be noted on a calendar of events.
Principals are to send special invites to the superintendent and his secretary. The secretary will share the special invitation calendar with all board members a week prior to the upcoming month.
The Board agrees to provide the Board Chairperson or Superintendent with requested items for the upcoming agenda prior to Wednesday's Board Agenda Review with Board Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Superintendent for the upcoming board meeting. (Domain V: Board Meetings)
Any information requested by one board member will be shared with the full board via protected google documents. Board members will be able to access information as needed (Domain I: Governance Structure).
The Office of the Superintendent will forward the inquiry to the appropriate department for resolution. All answers to the inquiries will be reviewed by the Office of the Superintendent prior to submission to the Board (Domain I: Governance Structure).
Any Board inquiries by one Board member involving staff time or financial matters will be directed to the Board Chairperson (with rationale) for consideration and support from the majority (Domain I: Governance Structure & Domain VII: Financial Governance).
A prepared proposed agenda with appropriate information shall be sent to each member of the Rome City Schools Board of Education by the executive secretary at least three (3) days in advance of any regular meeting of the board. This agenda, as approved or amended at the beginning of each meeting, shall govern the order of business for the meeting. Additions or deletions to the proposed agenda shall be by majority vote of the Board members voting, a quorum being present (Domain I: Governance Structure).
Meetings of the Rome City Schools Board of Education shall be open to the public. The Board shall hold Executive Sessions as identified in Rome City Schools: Board Policy BCBK.
The Rome City Schools' Board of Education recognizes the need for communicating with citizens in an effort to become more aware of matters of community interest concerning the schools and to permit the Board to explain general policies governing the operation of the schools. To provide for this communication process and to ensure Board meetings will be conducted in an orderly and efficient manner: Board Policy BCBI
Citizens of Rome City, current employees of Rome City Schools, current students of Rome City Schools, or parents/guardians of current Rome City School students may appear at regular meetings to address public comments to the Board, subject to the following: Board Policy BCBI
The public comment session shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes and will be conducted to hear from any interested citizen of Rome City, current employee, current student, and/or current parent/guardian of the school district. Speakers will be given a maximum of five minutes to speak before the Board, with the time per speaker being determined by the chairperson, depending on the number of speakers and topics listed. The time limitations imposed upon the public comment session may only be extended if approved by the Board: Board Policy BCBI
Anyone wishing to speak to the Board shall inform the superintendent of their desire to do so and the topic of their remarks as early as possible, in writing, but not later than twenty-four hours prior to the Board meeting. A request form is available on the district website as well as the Rome City School Central Office. Waiver of this notice requirement may be allowed only when approved by a majority of the Board. Any materials the speaker desires the Board to receive related to his/her remarks shall be given to the Superintendent or designee at the time of the request for distribution to the Board: Board Policy BCBI
Items which are excluded from the Open Meetings Act will not be discussed during this session. (This includes, for instance, certain issues relating to personnel, real estate, legal counsel, privacy, and individual student discipline): Board Policy BCBI
In addition to the above, the following rules shall be followed when appearing before the Board: Board Policy BCBI
1. The speaker shall state his/her name and the group the speaker is representing, if any.
2. All remarks shall be made to the Board as a body and not to a particular board member, and the speaker must face the Board when making the comments.
3. No persons shall be allowed to make obscene, derogatory, or slanderous remarks while addressing the Board.
4. No person shall be allowed to disrupt or interfere with procedures.
5. Remarks shall end when the speaker's allotted time has expired.
6. Speakers may offer such objective criticisms of school operations and programs that concern them. The Board shall not hear personal complaints of school personnel nor against any person connected with the school system. Other channels provide for Board consideration of legitimate complaints involving individuals.
7. Questions from the Board members and/or the Superintendent may be asked for purposes of clarification, but no person shall be permitted to enter into any discussion either directly or through any member of the Board.
The Board vests in its chairperson or other presiding officer authority to terminate the remarks of any individual when the speaker does not adhere to the rules established in this policy. Any person willfully violating these rules may be prohibited from appearing before the Board for up to sixty (60) days. The public comment session shall not exceed fifteen (15) minutes and will be conducted to hear from any interested citizen of Rome City, current employee, current student, and/or current parent/guardian of the school district. Speakers will be given a maximum of three minutes to speak before the Board, The time limitations imposed upon the public comment session may only be extended if approved by the Board. Anyone wishing to speak to the Board shall inform the superintendent or designee of their desire to do so and the topic of their remarks as early as possible, in writing, but not later than twenty-four hours prior to the Board meeting. A request form is available on the district website as well as the Rome City School Central Office. Waiver of this notice requirement may be allowed only when approved by a majority of the Board. Any materials the speaker desires the Board to receive related to his/her remarks shall be given to the Superintendent or designee at the time of the request for distribution to the Board (Domain I: Governance Structure & Domain III: Board Community Relations).
Chain of Command
Any district personnel or constituent who brings an issue or concern to a Board member will be directed back to the Superintendent. If needed, the Superintendent will direct the issue to the necessary staff for resolution. The Superintendent will create a chain of command protocol and post on the website. (Domain I: Governance Structure, Domain III: Board Community Relations, & Domain VIII: Ethics).
The Superintendent will involve the appropriate district or school staff and inform the Board of the status as appropriate (Domain I: Governance Structure, Domain III: Board Community Relations & Domain VIII: Ethics).
In the event a Board member wishes to make an official visit to a school, the Board member will pre-arrange the visit with the principal and notify the Superintendent (Domain I: Governance Structure, Domain III: Board Community Relations & Domain VIII: Ethics).
Communication with News Media
The Superintendent (or designee) will directly contact local news through phone call or email. The superintendent or designee will send a statement to staff via CrisisGo or SwiftK12, (Domain I: Governance Structure, Domain III: Board Community Relations, & Domain VIII: Ethics).
Rome City Schools will offer a press release after the incident when appropriate (Domain I: Governance Structure, Domain III: Board Community Relations & Domain VIII: Ethics).
Domain I: Governance Structure
The Board of Education and superintendent form the governance leadership team of the local school system, and act in a manner that focuses on student achievement and organizational excellence.
Domain II: Strategic Planning
The governance leadership team, in collaboration with the community, adopts and enacts a planning process that results in an adopted system strategic plan designed to improve student achievement and organizational effectiveness.
Domain III: Board Community Relations
In order to ensure improved student achievement and organizational effectiveness, the governance leadership team creates and sustains healthy community relations, models professional relationships, creates a culture of mutual respect, and serves as a public school advocate for effective collaboration and engagement of internal and external stakeholders.
Domain IV: Policy Development
The board adopts, revises, and follows written policies in accordance with laws and state board rules that include but are not limited to those that support improved student achievement, fiduciary responsibility, community and stakeholder engagement, organizational effectiveness, and continuous improvement.
Domain V: Board Meetings
In order to conduct official business for the purpose of improving student achievement and organizational effectiveness, the governance leadership team plans and conducts board meetings in accordance with Open Meeting Law and local board policy.
Domain VI: Personnel
The Board of Education employs, sets performance expectations for, and evaluates the work of the superintendent; sets personnel policies and approves or denies personnel actions recommended by the superintendent in order for him/her to manage the system workforce to improve student achievement and organizational effectiveness.
Domain VII: Financial Governance
The board provides guidance to the superintendent and sets sound fiscal policy so that the school system is an effective steward of all resources to support student achievement and organizational effectiveness.
Domain VIII: Ethics
The governance leadership team conducts themselves, collectively and individually, in an ethical and professional manner.