Parental Rights/Procedural Safeguards

Your Rights As Parents – Regarding Special Education

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 34 C.F.R.§ 300 et seq. (IDEA), the federal law concerning the education of students with disabilities, requires schools to provide parents of a child with a disability with notice containing a full explanation of the procedural safeguards available under the IDEA and U.S. Department of Education regulations.

It is important that you understand the rights provided to you and your child with a disability. Our staff is available to assist you in understanding your rights and will provide further explanation of available procedures upon your request. If necessary, we will provide an interpreter or written translation to help you understand the information presented in the handbook. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact the Exceptional Student Services Department at your child's school or our central office at 706-236-5050.

GADOE  SpEd:  Parent Guide to Understanding Rights

Revocation of Consent for Special Education Services - Parents may revoke consent at any time, but it must be submitted in writing.

Once revocation for consent is submitted in writing (using the revoke consent form above), the school system will meet with the parents and complete prior written notice indicating the date the student will no longer receive special education and related services. 

Prior Written Notice - When a parent/student revokes consent for special education services, the system must complete prior written noticeThe date in the proposed change in action date section in the prior written notice form is the date when the student will no longer receive special education and related services.  

When consent is revoked, 

  • parent rights for special education end,

  • rights to special education and related services end,

  • special education disciplinary protections end,

  • previous special education records or references remain,

  • rights to FAPE end,

  • future request for evaluation follow initial evaluation procedures and the 60 day timeline.

Senate Bill 47/Georgia Special Needs Scholarship -  As a result of Senate Bill 47, passed in the 2021 legislative session, changes to the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship went into effect July 1, 2021.

Parent Resources/Information