RCS Superintendent, Dr. Eric L. Holland’s First 30 Days
Phase 1: Listening and collecting data for analysis and planning engaging with RCS School Board, all stakeholders, etc.
Listening and Learning Tour
- Met with all principals
- Met with all board members
- Met with student government
- “Hall Walks” at all schools
- Application process for Superintendent Student Advisory committee for grades 7-12.
Unity in the CommUNITY
- Monthly collaboration with other school leaders (Darlington, Floyd County Schools, etc.)
- Met with community faith-based leaders
- Met with city officials
- Board training conducted by Georgia School Boards Association on Oct. 3, 2022
- Parent meetings scheduled to collect community feedback
- Meeting with higher education leaders (Berry College, Shorter University, Ga. Northwestern Technical College, Ga. Highlands College).
- Meeting with key business leaders in the community
Safety Update
- EVOLV system to be installed in November 2022.
- Safety team created that includes Rome Police Chief, Officer Downer-McKinney
- Approved for six campus monitors; positions have been posted for hire.
- Three campus monitors will be posted at Rome High School
- One campus monitor will be posted in the shared parking lot at Rome High and Rome Middle Schools
- Two campus monitors will be posted at Rome Middle School
Staff Morale Update
- Remove all teachers from bag search at RHS and RMS. Central Office staff conducting searches
- Free lunch for teachers on two Fridays each month
- Reviewing supervision plans focusing on discipline.
- Superintendent Advisory to gather concerns.
- Hired Rome High School principal
- Attended COSSBA (Consortium of State School Boards Associations) Urban Boards Alliance Symposium on Sept. 8-9, 2022
- Reviewed system budgets and finances
- Facility walks and reviews
Moving Forward (the next 30 days)
Phase 2: Analyze trends across the district
- Transition team will be implemented